Your 2023-24 Smart Classroom Management Report Card Smart Classroom Management

Smart Classroom Management: Your 2023-24 SCM Report Card

Smart Classroom Management: Your 2023-24 SCM Report Card

Your personal 2023-24 Smart Classroom Management report card is here!

To review, the SCM report card is a rating system that revels the extent to which you followed SCM during the past school year.

It evaluates your strength and weaknesses so you can use the data to improve your classroom management results next year. This year’s report card includes a final score that slots you into a colored belt rank, similar to the martial arts.

I thought it was cool, so there you go.

I encourage you to fill it out and take the numbers seriously. I believe them to be accurate and correlated with student behavior, motivation, and academic achievement.

So be brutally honest. To the forthright go the victory, and maximum growth.

Directions: Give yourself a score of 1-5, five being the best, based on how well you adhered to each SCM principle.

2023-24 SCM Report Card

1. I consistently followed my classroom management plan ____

2. I enforced consequences calmly and objectively (like a referee) ____

3. I refrained from all forms of intimidation, including yelling, scolding, glaring, and lecturing ____

4. I built strong rapport with my class through my consistent kindness and pleasant personality ____

5. I praised my students only for work, effort, and performance that was truly worthy of it ____

6. I eschewed external rewards in favor of intrinsic motivation ____

7. I taught routines thoroughly and held my class accountable for performing them with excellence ____

8. I had a positive, influential relationship with my most challenging students ____

9. I was dependably able to get my class to listen attentively and follow my directions ____

10. I taught compelling lessons and then shifted responsibility over to my students ____

11. I allowed my class to work independently with the least amount of interference from me ____

12. I prepared efficiently and had ample time to spend with my family and the hobbies I enjoy ____

13. I experienced a minimal amount of stress throughout the school year ____

14. I had fun and enjoyed my students every day ____

15. I created a peaceful, happy classroom my students loved being part of ____

What Belt Rank Are You?

Add up your final numbers to reach an overall performance score and an SCM belt rank.

15-30 – white belt

30-45 – blue belt

45-60 – brown belt

60-70 – black belt

70-75 – red belt

I created an elite top level (red belt) because even though the level below it (black belt) is excellent there is a substantial jump in results at the very top.

At this pinnacle your abilities will feel almost supernatural. You’ll be able to visualize precisely what you want and have it play out right in front of you.

It’s an amazing feeling I want for every teacher.

So fill out the report card and keep reaching for the top. Review the pertinent articles in our archive or pick up one of our books to shore up your weaknesses. It’s possible with commitment to make a leap from white to black over one summer.

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