Nidhi Sachdeva on Microlearning with Cognitive Science Principles – Education Rickshaw

Banner of Progressively Incorrect Podcast Saying New Episode Featuring Nidhi Sachdeva

In this episode of Progressively Incorrect, I interview Nidhi Sachdeva, a Toronto-based PhD candidate who, like many of you I suspect, is exploring ways to embed the science of learning into teaching and professional development.

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I first came across Nidhi on Twitter, where she shares these amazingly digestible “Microlessons” about cognitive science topics such as interleaving, biologically primary vs. biologically secondary knowledge, and The Matthew Effect. Not only will Nidhi take us through the process of how she designs these punchy little Microlessons over the course of this episode, but afterwards you can try them out for yourself by clicking the links below – no log in required.


  1. Intro to Cognitive Load Theory –
  2. Is Multitasking Real? –
  3. Study Techniques – What works and what doesn’t? –
  4. Role of background knowledge –
  5. Interleaving –
  6. All about retrieval practice –
  7. Biologically Primary and Secondary Knowledge – What does it mean for instruction? –
  8. Truth about learning styles –
  9. What’s so good about low-stakes quizzes? –
  10. Play enhances learning – Fact or myth? –
  11. Matthew Effect –

I also wanted to invite listeners to attend a free webinar that I will be hosting at the end of March 2023 through the Australia-based organization, Think Forward Educators. This one is all about Rosenshine’s Principles and explicit instruction, and the presenters will be Bradley Busch – who you already know from a previous episode of this podcast – and Christie Barrett. Consider signing up no matter what timezone you’re in so you can gain access to the recording.

Sign up for webinar here

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Published by Zach Groshell

Zach Groshell, PhD is a highly distinguished teacher, instructional coach, and education consultant. Zach is based in the Seattle area and works with schools around the globe to develop high quality instruction based on the science of how kids learn. Zach hosts the podcast, Progressively Incorrect, and is the author of Just Tell Them: The Power of Explanations and Explicit Teaching.
View all posts by Zach Groshell

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