How To Plan For A Sub And Ensure Good Behavior Smart Classroom Management

Smart Classroom Management: How To Plan For A Sub And Ensure Good Behavior

Smart Classroom Management: How To Plan For A Sub And Ensure Good Behavior

How to plan for a substitute teacher in a way that ensures good behavior is a question I’ve gotten a lot over the years.

I’ve answered it dozens of times during coaching sessions and PD trainings.

However, I’ve been reluctant to make it into an article because my advice on the subject isn’t terribly interesting. Nor is it unique.

But in the spirit of tackling any and all classroom management topics, what follows are three steps to ensure good behavior when you’re out of your classroom.

1. Pick the right sub.

You must have at least one solid substitute teacher on speed dial and preferably a couple of backups you trust will follow your plan and schedule precisely. This is key.

It may take awhile to find the right person. Ask around if you need to.

However, absolutely never simply put in for a sub and leave it at that. There are just too many who will ignore your plans, do their own thing, and then complain about misbehavior.

2. Plan normal academics.

Never lighten the load because you have a sub. This sends the message to your students that the day doesn’t matter, which causes silliness, misbehavior, and a whole day of lost learning.

Your students need to be focused, working, and given the same heavy responsibilities as any other day.

At the same time, however, the lessons you provide your sub must be simple to deliver. Yes, it takes some thought to have ready-made plans in case of emergency that fulfill both requirements. But the payoff is worth it.

3. Make sure nothing changes.

You must choose a sub who understands the critical importance of following your classroom management plan, daily schedule, and routines to the letter. Otherwise, they’re going to fly by the seat of their pants and sabotage your good work.

Furthermore, your students need to know that when you’re gone, nothing changes.

You’ll teach this expectation, model reminders of how it should look, and check to make sure they understand. You may also want to meet with a few of your leaders to solicit their help in assisting the sub and keeping everyone on track.

No Babysitting

If you follow the SCM approach, then having a substitute teacher is easy because they can follow your plan as clearly and unemotionally as you.

And for your students it’s just another day.

If, however, you’re currently struggling with misbehavior, and therefore don’t yet have respect, trusting rapport, and influence, then your sub is going to struggle as well.

Your own effective classroom management is a requirement for a smooth day. The good news is that the most sought-after subs will love coming to your classroom because they get to actually teach instead of babysit.

This is the secret.

Be good at classroom management, choose the right sub, and then enable them to maintain the same academic and behavior expectations as you.

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