Countries must tap climate finance to mobilize resources for education

Countries must tap climate finance to mobilize resources for education

By Yuki Murakami, policy analyst, GEM Report

In recent years, the education sector has felt the effects of climate change. As the 2024/5 GEM Report reported, many low- and lower-middle-income countries are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of extreme weather events. and the number of medium- to large-scale disasters is projected to increase from 400 annually in 2015 to 560, or about 1.5 each day, by 2030.

The evidence is clear that education can play a critical role in the response to climate change, especially through the inclusion of climate change content in curricula, and should be invested in as part of the solution.

Climate finance, however, is being hotly debated in the aftermath of the COP 29. Is there enough and for the right areas? This blog argues that climate finance presents an opportunity to help schools withstand climate events. Integrating education into climate finance initiatives may also enhance the capacity for adaptation and mitigation efforts.

A brief history of climate finance

Climate finance gained traction with the 1992 Earth Summit. The Kyoto Protocol subsequently introduced mechanisms that facilitated investments in emissions-reduction projects in developing countries. The Global Environment Facility was established in 1991 and the Climate Investment Funds in 2008. The 2009 Copenhagen Accord was pivotal, committing developed nations to mobilize USD 100 billion annually by 2020, leading to the creation of the Green Climate Fund in 2010. The 2015 Paris Agreement further reinforced these commitments.

At the COP28, 45 countries endorsed a Declaration calling for nations to build climate-smart education systems through the four pillars of action of the Greening Education Partnership: greening schools, curricula, teacher training, and community engagement.

In 2021/22, average annual climate finance flows reached almost USD 1.3 trillion, nearly double 2019/20 levels. Government climate finance commitments surged to USD 288 billion, up from USD 179 billion in 2021. However, the education sector received just USD 13 million for climate finance initiatives in 2021/2 — or just 0.001% of the total of both private and public finance — as this figure shows.

Climate finance is estimated at USD 1.3 trillion but education gets a tiny fraction

Distribution of climate finance (%), 2021/22

Source: Global Center on Adaptation and Climate Policy Initiative (2023).

Meanwhile, at the COP 29 this month, the outcomes of the New Collective Quantified Goal agreed by 200 countries aim at tripling finance to developing countries, from the previous goal of USD 100 billion annually, to USD 300 billion annually by 2035. It also aims at scaling up finance to developing countries, from public and private sources, to USD 1.3 trillion per year by 2035.

These commitments were seen as unsatisfactory by many. “We categorically reject this insufficient final text, a marginal inflation-adjusted increase from the previous $100 billion annual goal only first achieved in 2022, which wholly discounts our collective efforts across civil society and UNFCCC touchpoints for the past three years,” Vivek Venkatram (UNESCO Youth Representative) told us on behalf of the NECYA (Network for European Youth NGOs on Climate Action).

“The NCQG text – inadequate in quantum, structure, and its unecessarily distant start-date of 2035 – proposes a vague $1 trillion voluntary quantum consisting of unspecified financing from both developed & developing countries and risks deepening debt burdens on developing countries under the guise of “climate finance”. Further, we reject the developed countries’ low-ball annual quantum commitment of $300 billion, which falls woefully short of the scientific consensus calling for a need of at least $6 trillion in public, grant-based, and locally-accessible funding by 2030.”

How can the education sector benefit from climate funds?

The crux of the issue is that climate finance is typically managed by entities outside the education sector, so education ministries can find it difficult to access the funds. The 2024/5 GEM Report argued that effective access to climate finance hinges on several key components.

First, a national climate plan must clearly outline the education sector’s role in climate preparedness and establish a coordination mechanism. This plan should define the responsibilities of ministries to ensure robust disaster risk management and secure adequate resource allocation for the education sector.

Various countries leverage climate finance for education. Grenada aims to increase the number of schools with disaster management plans. While government agencies are encouraged to design their own continuity and emergency response plans, recurrent funding for disasters is primarily allocated to the National Disaster Management Agency. Strengthening the coordination within the Ministry of Education for preparedness planning and providing clearer guidance for schools on disaster plan preparation are essential to join the agendas. Dedicated staff with the necessary expertise can further enhance these efforts. A clearly defined role for the Ministry of Education within a coordinated national mechanism is crucial for effective and equitable resource mobilization in climate finance.

Thailand has developed a National Adaptation Plan that incorporates climate education into its strategy. It has a coordination mechanism for accessing international funds, ensuring budgetary support for government agencies and establishing integrated budgeting for climate change actions. While the plan’s current focus is stronger in sectors such as health and agriculture, there is potential to enhance the role of education, which could further secure resources for educational initiatives.

Second, a dedicated national agency can bridge international and domestic funding. This helps overcome the fact that accessing climate finance from entities like the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility can be challenging for developing countries due to complex processes and stringent criteria.

Kenya has a national designated agency for the Global Climate Fund and two national accredited entities, the National Environment Management Authority of Kenya and KCB Bank Kenya Limited, to implement projects.

Rwanda’s National Environment Fund, meanwhile, channels, programmes, disburses and monitors climate finance and facilitates direct access to international funds such as the Green Climate Fund. The fund is accessible to line ministries, districts, private entities and civil society.

Third, while international finance often supports projects on a case-by-case basis, a comprehensive approach will maximize risk preparedness. For example, the Global Partnership for Education’s Climate Smart Education System supports climate finance for up to 35 of the most climate-vulnerable countries, in collaboration with UNESCO, UNESCO IIEP and Save the Children. It helps education ministries to access climate finance and provides technical assistance for evidence-based planning, cross-ministerial coordination and building greener, more resilient education infrastructure.

The World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery also emphasizes a comprehensive framework for disaster risk reduction in education. Its Global Program for Safer Schools integrates technical advice, risk-informed investment designs and risk reduction considerations into education infrastructure. Between 2014 and 2023, it supported 35 countries, influencing the design and implementation of over USD 3.1 billion worth of school infrastructure projects. The World Bank’s Pacific Safer Schools Program also collaborates with governments, the construction industry and non-governmental organizations in the region to reinforce school buildings and infrastructure.

Finally, effective risk assessment and cost estimation are crucial for the education sector to comprehensively address its needs. This includes costing up the capital investment needed in education sector plans that incorporate disaster preparedness and management. Belize’s Education Sector Plan 2021–2025 emphasizes the need for hurricane-resistant facilities and effective risk mitigation strategies: 89% of the education budget is dedicated to staff costs, with the remaining 11% for training, scholarships, facility maintenance and materials.

Building the Climate Resilience of Children and Communities through the Education Sector (BRACE) retrofits and constructs climate-adaptive schools in countries such as Cambodia, South Sudan and Tonga. It aligns with the international School Safety Framework and is a partnership between the Global Partnership for Education, Save the Children and GCF, whose Board will review the co-financing arrangement for approval in mid-2025.

Climate finance offers valuable opportunities to enhance disaster preparedness and resilience within the education sector. Accessing climate finance can be challenging, but overcoming these obstacles is feasible and can lead to substantial benefits. Initiatives like BRACE demonstrate how targeted investments can strengthen education systems and support sustainable development in vulnerable regions.

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